
on 2014年3月1日 星期六
聖經閱讀:雅各書1:16-18 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝是良善的  我是來自查德這個國家的聽障人士,現在我是住在喀麥隆的一名學生。我參與一個聾人教會,那個教會裡也有聽人。
 要記住,只有美好的事物才是來自上帝,不可以因為壞事發生在你身上就責怪上帝,反而要感謝讚美祂,然後讓上帝使用你以良善待人。 -CD*
「上帝所造的一切都是好的」 提摩太前書4:4a

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God is Good
Bible Reading: James 1:16-18
Saturday, March 1, 2014

God is Good  I am a deaf man from the country of Chad. I am now a student living in Cameroon. I am part of a church for deaf people. There are hearing people in the church, too.
 One day a hearing woman gave birth to a baby girl. Later the woman found out that her daughter was deaf. This woman was very upset. She blamed God that her daughter was deaf. After that, the woman did not pray or come to church any more.
 Verse 17a of our Bible Reading today says, “Everything good comes from God. Every perfect gift is from him. These good gifts come down from the Father who made all the lights in the sky.” Everything that is good is from God, but God does allow bad things to happen to us. These bad things happen because our world is not perfect. Because of sin, there is sickness, suffering and death in the world.
 Remember that only good things come from God. Don’t blame God for the bad things that happen to you. Instead, praise and thank Him. Then let God use you to show good to other people. —CD*
“Everything that God made is good.” 1 Timothy 4:4a
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for loving me and leading me every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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