
on 2014年3月11日 星期二
聖經閱讀:撒母耳記上17:38-51 現代中譯本|合和本


五顆石頭  有一位喪偶的姐妹跟一位弟兄在我的教會相遇並訂婚了。他們要我在他們的婚禮上分享信息,他們說,大部份參加婚禮的人都是信主的親戚和朋友。所以,我預備了一篇基督徒結婚的證道,但同時也準備了另一篇信息,其中包括解釋上帝的救恩計畫。
 請記住,要永遠預備好去向其他人分享福音,上帝會幫助你、祝福你。 -BL
「大衛拿了他的牧杖,又從溪邊揀了五塊光滑的石子放在牧人用的袋子裏,然後帶著投石的弦出去迎戰歌利亞。」 撒母耳記上17:40b

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Five Stones
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 17:38-51
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Five Stones  A widow and a man met at my church and got engaged. They asked me to give the message at their wedding. They said most of the people at the wedding would be Christian relatives and friends. So I prepared a Christian marriage sermon. But I also prepared a second message that included an explanation of God’s plan of salvation.
 When I arrived at the wedding, I saw many people I did not know. The man told me that several non-Christian relatives and friends decided to come. I was so happy that I was prepared so I could share the Good News about Jesus with these people.
 Our Bible Reading today is the familiar story about David facing the giant, Goliath. David knew that God would be with him and help him. But David still gathered five stones to use against Goliath.
 Remember to always be prepared to share the Gospel with other people. God will help you and bless you. —BL
[David] “went to find five smooth stones from the stream. He put the five stones in his shepherd’s bag and held his sling in his hand.” 1 Samuel 17:40b
PRAYER: Father, I want to always be prepared to share Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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