
on 2014年3月19日 星期三
聖經閱讀:馬太福音6:19-21 現代中譯本|合和本

天上的財寶  一年前,我動了一個切除腫瘤的手術。之後,我跌了一跤,摔斷了髖部的骨頭,不久後,我又失去了味覺,手指也麻木、沒有感覺了。
 你希望積聚財寶在天上嗎?今天就找一些方法去幫助別人。 —VNW
「你的財寶在哪裏,你的心也在那裏。」 馬太福音6:21

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Treasures in Heaven
Bible Reading: Matthew 6:19-21
Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Treasures in Heaven  A year ago, I had surgery to remove a tumor. Then I fell down and broke my hip. Soon after that, I lost my sense of taste and my fingers became numb.
 During all these bad things, I felt peaceful. I was at peace because people were praying for me, and I knew God was with me. This whole experience made me think about other people and their problems. I began to listen to people talk about their bad times. I encouraged them and helped them work through their problems. I was able to help people, and in turn, these people helped me.
 Helping people is one way we can save treasures in heaven. That’s what Jesus was talking about in our verses for today. He said, “Do not save treasures for yourselves here on earth…Instead, save your treasures in heaven, where they cannot be destroyed by moths or rust and where thieves cannot break in and steal them” (verses 19-20).
 Do you want to save treasures in heaven? Look for ways today to help other people. —VNW
“Your heart will be where your treasure is.” Matthew 6:21
PRAYER: Father, show me how I can help someone today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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