
on 2014年3月2日 星期日
聖經閱讀:雅各書1:22-27 現代中譯本|合和本

真正的虔誠  2012年二月,我太太和我在教會裡聚會,我們討論到要去支持其他國家的宣教機構,有一個人提到在肯亞的一個聽障孤兒院,我太太跟我都對這件事感到興趣。同年不久之後,我們就參與了一個到肯亞聽障孤兒院服事的宣教團隊。
 你是否想要對上帝有真正的虔誠呢?那麼就找方法去服事並幫助別人。 -MA*
「我要在你們當中顯現,施行審判。我立刻要作證指控那些……剝削孤兒寡婦的,和欺負外僑的。」 瑪拉基書3:5

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True Worship
Bible Reading: James 1:22-27
Sunday, March 2, 2014

True Worship  In February of 2012 my wife and I were in a church meeting. We were discussing supporting mission organizations in other countries. Someone mentioned a deaf orphanage in Kenya. My wife and I were interested in this. Later that year, we were part of a mission team that went to work at a deaf orphanage in Kenya.
 Our experience in Kenya was awesome! We worked with 14 deaf orphans. We could not understand their language, but they were thrilled to have us play with them and teach them. These orphans just wanted people to love them.
 Verse 27 of our Bible Reading tells us, “The worship that God wants is this: caring for orphans or widows who need help and keeping yourself free from the world’s evil influence. This is the kind of worship that God accepts as pure and good.”
 Do you want to truly worship God? Then look for ways to serve and help other people. —MA*
“’Then I will bring you to justice…I will testify against those who don’t help strangers, or widows and orphans...’ This is what the Lord All-Powerful said.” Malachi 3:5
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to truly worship You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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