
on 2014年3月3日 星期一
聖經閱讀:歷代志上4:9-10 現代中譯本|合和本

禱告  禱告是上帝賜下的一個奇妙禮物,我們可以在任何時間、任何地方向祂禱告。當禱告時,我們可以感謝讚美上帝,而且,我們可以求上帝祝福別人,同時也祝福我們。
 今天就感謝上帝賜給了你奇妙的禱告禮物。 -LL
「你們要在禱告中祈求上帝的幫助,常常隨從聖靈的帶領禱告。……要不斷地為信徒們禱告。」 以弗所書6:18

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Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10
Monday, March 3, 2014

Prayer  Prayer is a wonderful gift from God. We can pray to Him anywhere or any time. When we pray, we can praise and thank God. And, we can ask God to bless other people and to bless us, too.
 Our Bible verses tell us about a man named Jabez. He was a very good man. We don’t know much about Jabez, but we do know that he prayed and God blessed him. Verse 10 says, “Jabez prayed to the God of Israel and said, ‘I pray that you would bless me and give me more land! Be near me and don’t let anyone hurt me! Then I will not have any pain.’ God gave Jabez what he asked for.”
 Sometimes when we pray, we ask God for things. God may give us those things right away or in the future. Or, God may not give us those things at all. God knows what is right for us, and He will always give us what is best.
 Thank God today that He has given you the wonderful gift of prayer. —LL
“Pray in the Spirit at all times. Pray with all kinds of prayers, and ask for everything you need...Always pray for all of God’s people.” Ephesians 6:18
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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