被拯救 (2)

on 2016年6月17日 星期五
被拯救 (2)
聖經閱讀:詩篇32:1-5 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝愛你並且差派耶穌為你而死,這真是奇妙!我希望今天你能讓耶穌來拯救你! — GT

「於是,我向你承認我的罪;我不隱瞞自己的過犯。我決意向你陳明一切,你就赦免我所有的罪。」 詩篇32:5

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Rescued (2)
Bible Reading: Psalm 32:1-5
Friday, June 17, 2016

 Today we will continue to talk about how God rescues us from sin. Imagine that a person is on the ocean in a rubber raft. The raft has a hole in it. What will happen? The raft will sink and the person will probably drown.
That is how we are lost in sin. We have all made bad choices in life. We have disobeyed God. It is like we are lost and drowning in our sin. We cannot save ourselves. We don't even deserve to be saved.
We need someone to rescue us. That person is Jesus! He was not only willing to rescue us, He was willing to take our place and die for us. Then our sins are removed and we are pure before God. Verse 2 of our Bible Reading talks about this. “It is a great blessing when the Lord says they are not guilty, when they don’t try to hide their sins.”
God loves you, and He sent Jesus to die for you. That’s amazing! I hope you will let Jesus rescue you today! —GT

But then I decided to confess my sins to the Lord. I stopped hiding my guilt and told you about my sins. And you forgave them all!” Psalm 32:5
PRAYER: Lord, I am a sinner. Please forgive my sins and rescue me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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