聖經中的父親 (1)

on 2016年6月19日 星期日
聖經中的父親 (1)
聖經閱讀:創世記24:1-8 現代中譯本|合和本

鼓勵我們的孩子、孫子尋找基督徒作另一半是一件重要的事,這樣他們就可以一起服事上帝。今天就為我們的兒女、孫兒女來禱告,懇求上帝幫助他們親近祂。 —JK

「你一定要回到我的故鄉,在我親族當中替我兒子以撒娶個妻子。」 創世記24:4

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Bible Fathers (1)
Bible Reading: Genesis 24:1-8
Sunday, June 19, 2016

 Several weeks ago, we talked about some mothers in the Bible. Since today is Father's Day in America, we will read about some Bible fathers.
Our first Bible father is Abraham. He was 100 years old when his son, Isaac, was born! Isaac grew up, and it was time for him to find a wife. But Abraham did not want Isaac to marry a woman from the country where they lived. Why? Because those women did not love and worship God.
Our Bible Reading tells us that Abraham sent his servant to Abraham's homeland to find a wife for Isaac. The servant traveled to the place where Abraham's relatives lived. The rest of chapter 24 tells us that the servant found a wife for Isaac.
It is important that we encourage our children and grandchildren to find a Christian husband or wife. Then they both can work together to serve God. Pray for your children and grandchildren today. Ask God to help them stay close to Him. —JK

“Go back to my country, to my own people, to find a wife for my son Isaac. Bring her here to him.” Genesis 24:4
PRAYER: Dear God, bless the children in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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