
on 2015年5月8日 星期五
聖經閱讀:以賽亞書12:1-6 現代中譯本|合和本

不要一直生氣  我有兩個六歲大的女兒,有時候他們會不理會規定、不聽我的話。當這種情形發生時,我有時會失去耐性、對她們大聲吼叫,但不久之後,我們就彼此原諒,再次談心說笑。
 你在生某個人的氣嗎?請不要一直生氣、不理他們,要原諒並跟他們和好。 -BL
「上主啊,我感謝你!雖然你曾經對我發怒,但你息了怒氣;你安慰了我。」 以賽亞書12:1b

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Don’t Stay Mad
Bible Reading: Isaiah 12:1-6
Friday, May 8, 2015

Don’t Stay Mad  I have two six-year-old daughters. Sometimes they like to ignore our rules and disobey me. When this happens, I sometimes lose my patience and yell at them. But soon we forgive each other and start laughing and talking again.
 My daughters have helped me understand two important lessons. First, I have learned not to stay mad. When people offend me, my first thought is that I don’t want to see them again. But that is not the right attitude. If I stay mad at someone, I will miss the times of fellowship that we could have had.
 The second thing I have learned is that God is not happy when I sin. But He does not ignore me. He offers me His forgiveness and encourages me not to sin again. Then we can enjoy fellowship again. In our Bible Reading today, Isaiah talks about God’s anger and love for His people.
 Are you mad at someone? Don’t stay mad and ignore them. Instead, forgive and make peace with them. —BL
“I praise you Lord! You have been angry with me, but don’t be angry with me now. Show your love to me.” Isaiah 12:1b
PRAYER: Father, I don’t want to be angry. Help me to forgive and love others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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