耶穌的寶血 (6)

on 2015年5月6日 星期三
耶穌的寶血 (6)
聖經閱讀:啟示錄12:10-12 現代中譯本|合和本

耶穌的寶血 (6)  今天是我們看關於耶穌寶血的經節的最後一天,今天閱讀的經文告訴我們,耶穌的寶血是重要的,因為它幫助我們戰勝魔鬼。啟示錄12:11說:「信徒們已經藉著羔羊的血和他們所宣佈的真理勝過了戾龍。」這些經節談到上帝對魔鬼最後的勝利,這個勝利會實現是因為耶穌成為我們的贖罪祭,當讓耶穌潔淨我們時,我們就分享了這個勝利。
 今天上帝的靈會與你同在來帶領你並幫助你戰勝魔鬼。就倚靠祂來持守剛強,並且為祂而活! —JK
「現在就是上帝拯救的時刻!上帝已彰顯了他的權能和統治。」 啟示錄12:10b

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Jesus' Blood (6)
Bible Reading: Revelation 12:10-12
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Jesus' Blood (6)  Today is the last day we will look at verses that talk about Jesus' blood. Our Bible Reading tells us that Jesus' blood is important because it helps us defeat the devil. Revelation 12:11 says, “They defeated him by the blood sacrifice of the Lamb and by the message of God that they told people.” These verses talk about God's final victory over the devil. This victory will happen because Jesus became the sacrifice for our sins. When we allow Jesus to cleanse us, we share in this victory.
 Every day Christians are in a battle with the devil. The devil attacks us and tries to get us to turn away from God. Because of Jesus' sacrifice, we have the gift of God's Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit helps us to resist the devil and stay close to God. James 4:7 reminds us, “So give yourselves to God. Stand against the devil, and he will run away from you.”
 God's Spirit will be with you today to lead you and to help you defeat the devil. Depend on Him to stand strong and live for Him! —JK
“The victory and the power and the kingdom of God and the authority of his Messiah have now come.” Revelation 12:10b
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to depend on Your Spirit to help me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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