詩歌 (1)

on 2015年5月16日 星期六
詩歌 (1)
聖經閱讀:詩篇107:23-31 現代中譯本|合和本

詩歌 (1)  基督教的詩歌是讚美上帝並鼓勵人敬拜祂的歌。在新約聖經中,保羅鼓勵基督徒對上帝唱詩歌,就算你不唱,你仍然可以藉著歌詞認識上帝並受到鼓勵。今天我們要開始一系列十首有關基督教詩歌的靈修文章。
 今天的經文談到上帝掌管大海並幫助有困難的人,這些經節和懷廷的詩歌在我的家人需要上帝保護時鼓勵了我。感謝上帝每天的愛和保護! —BH
「他們要感謝上主的慈愛,要稱頌他所做的奇事。」 詩篇107:31

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Hymns (1)
Bible Reading: Psalm 107:23-31
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Hymns (1)  A Christian hymn is a song that praises God and encourages people to worship Him. In the New Testament, Paul encouraged Christians to sing hymns to God. Even if you don’t sing, you can still learn about God and be encouraged by the words of hymns. Today we will begin a series of devotions about ten Christian hymns.
 William Whiting (1825-1878) wrote the hymn, “Eternal Father, Strong to Save.” He worked at a school for boys in London. When one boy decided to sail to America, William wrote this song as a prayer of protection for the boy’s journey. During World War II, Winston Churchill asked that this hymn be played during a meeting he had with Franklin Roosevelt.
 Our Bible verses today talk about God controlling the seas and helping people in trouble. These verses and Whiting’s hymn have encouraged me at times when my family needed God’s protection. Thank God for His love and protection every day! —BH
“Thank the Lord for his faithful love and for the amazing things he does for people.” Psalm 107:31
PRAYER: Father, I know that You protect me every day. Thank You! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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