詩歌 (6)

on 2015年5月21日 星期四
詩歌 (6)
聖經閱讀:詩篇118:1-14 現代中譯本|合和本

詩歌 (6)  查理斯廷德利(1851-1933)生來就是一名奴隸,他白天努力耕作,晚上到學校學習閱讀。查理斯後來成為一名牧師,他很喜歡唱歌,所以經常寫歌來配合他的證道。
 今天你是否正面臨苦難呢?你是否覺得奇怪為什麼自己會有這些苦難?有一天你會更明白為什麼,但是現在,就持續信靠上帝吧! —BH
「上主是我的力量,我的詩歌;他拯救了我」 詩篇118:14

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Hymns (6)
Bible Reading: Psalm 118:1-14
Tuesday, May 21, 2015

Hymns (6)  Charles Tindley (1851-1933) was born a slave. He worked hard every day plowing fields, and at night he went to school to learn to read. Later Charles became a pastor. He loved to sing, so often he would write new hymns to go with his sermons.
 One Sunday, Charles preached a sermon on why we have troubles. To help the people in his church, he wrote the hymn, “We’ll Understand It Better By and By.” This song says that we may not understand here on earth why we have troubles. But someday, when we are with God, we will understand better.
 The writer of Psalm 118 wrote about troubles that he had faced. He probably did not understand why he was having those troubles. But he knew that God was with him to give him strength.
 Are you facing troubles today? Are you wondering why you have troubles? Someday you will understand better. But for now, just keep trusting God. —BH
“The Lord is my strength and my reason for singing. He saved me!” Psalm 118:14
PRAYER: Father, when I don’t understand things, it is hard for me to trust You. But help me to always depend on You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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