耶穌的寶血 (1)

on 2015年5月1日 星期五
耶穌的寶血 (1)
聖經閱讀:彼得前書1:18-21 現代中譯本|合和本

耶穌的寶血 (1)  請仔細看這一期手語每日靈修的封面,在上方你可以看見耶穌被釘在十字架上的形狀,而在下方你看見了血。當耶穌被釘在十字架上時,祂流了血。血是上帝賜給我們的奇妙救恩計劃中的必要部份。
 接下來的五天,我們要來看更多經節,這些經節讓我們看見耶穌的寶血為身為基督徒的我們做了什麼事。今天就想一想耶穌的事情,記得祂願意受苦並受死,好讓你的罪可以得到赦免。就因著耶穌寶血的犧牲而讚美上帝吧! —JK
「上帝不惜犧牲基督,以他為贖罪祭,藉著他的死,使人由於信他而蒙赦罪。上帝這樣做是要顯明自己的公義。」 羅馬書3:25

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Jesus' Blood (1)
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 1:18-21
Friday, May 1, 2015

Jesus' Blood (1)  Look very carefully at the front cover of this devotion book. At the top you can see the form of Jesus on the cross. At the bottom you see blood. When Jesus was crucified on the cross, He bled. Blood was a necessary part of God's wonderful plan to give us salvation.
 Many people today do not like to think about blood. Some churches no longer sing songs that talk about Jesus' blood. But blood is very important to God and His plan to save us. The Bible talks about blood more than 700 times! Verse 19 of our Bible Reading today says, “You were bought with the precious blood of Christ's death. He was a pure and perfect sacrificial Lamb.”
 For the next five days we will look at more Bible verses that show us what Jesus' blood does for us as Christians. Think about Jesus today. Remember that He was willing to suffer and die so that you can have your sins forgiven. Praise God for the sacrifice of Jesus' precious blood! —JK
“God gave Jesus as a way to forgive people's sins through their faith in him. God can forgive them because the blood sacrifice of Jesus pays for their sins.” Romans 3:25
PRAYER: Dear God, thank You that Jesus came to earth to die for me. In His name. Amen.

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