
on 2014年11月20日 星期四
聖經閱讀:哥林多後書1:3-11 現代中譯本|合和本

安慰別人  當我成為寡婦時,我感到困惑和寂寞,我不知道怎麼辦才好。有很多基督徒來安慰我,讓我走過這個生命中的困難時刻。這些人陪伴我、傾聽我,並送給我安慰的話。
 感謝上帝每一次對你的安慰,然後去接觸一個今天需要安慰的人。 —BH
「我們要感謝我們的主耶穌基督的父上帝!他是慈愛的天父,也是一切安慰的來源。」 哥林多後書1:3

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Comforting Others
Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 1:3-11
Thursday, November 20, 2014

Comforting Others  When I became a widow, I was confused and lonely. I didn’t know what to do. Many Christians comforted me through this difficult time in my life. These people sat with me, listened to me and sent me words of comfort.
 Months after my husband died, I learned about people who were still praying for me each day. The prayers of these people gave me strength on difficult days. These people were like Paul and the Christians in Corinth. “We know that you share in our sufferings. So we know that you also share in our comfort” (verse 7b).
 Through this experience, God taught me that I should comfort other people who are experiencing the death of a loved one. Verse 4 of our Bible Reading talks about God. “He comforts us every time we have trouble so that when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us.”
 Thank God for the times He has comforted you. Then reach out to a person who needs comfort today. —BH
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Father who is full of mercy, the God of all comfort.” 2 Corinthians 1:3
PRAYER: Lord, show me someone who needs Your comfort today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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