箴言 (12)

on 2014年11月2日 星期日
箴言 (12)
聖經閱讀:箴言12:18-28 現代中譯本|合和本

箴言 (12)  每天我們都會看到正在做好事的人,也會看到正在做壞事的人,有時候好像人做的壞事比做的好事多。
 今天就祈求上帝幫助你成為有智慧的人,並且做有益的選擇! —KP
「正義是導向生命之路;邪惡為趨向死亡之途。」 箴言12:28

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Proverbs (12)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 12:18-28
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Proverbs (12)  Every day we see people who are doing good things and people who are doing bad things. Sometimes it seems like people are doing more bad things than good things.
 We may even think that the world is worse than it used to be. But ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God, the world has been filled with people who chose to do bad things. The writer of Ecclesiastes 1:9a said, “All things continue the way they have been since the beginning. The same things will be done that have always been done.”
 You have a choice today — to do good things or to do bad things. Sometimes it is easier to do bad things, but we will be happier if we choose to obey God. Our Bible verses today encourage us to make good choices and do good things: “Be wise and your words will heal” (verse 18), “Those who plan for peace bring happiness” (verse 20), “Those who work hard will be put in charge of others” (verse 24), and “A kind word makes you happy” (verse 25).
 Ask God to help you be wise and make good choices today! —KP
“Along the path of goodness there is life; that is the way to live forever.” Proverbs 12:28
PRAYER: Father, I need Your wisdom and strength today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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