行走 (3)

on 2014年11月10日 星期一
行走 (3)
聖經閱讀:利未記26:1-13 現代中譯本|合和本

行走 (3)  今天經文的第12節說:「我要與你們同在,作你們的上帝;你們要作我的子民。」這個經節和其他許多出自利未記的經節是上帝對摩西說的話。上帝吩咐摩西將這些話告訴以色列民。
 上帝的話也是對我們說的。如果我們遵守上帝的命令,祂會與我們同行,祂就會作我們的上帝,而且我們也會作祂特別的子民。上帝愛你並想要祝福你,你一定要跟隨祂! —JK
「要敬畏上帝,因為我是上主─你們的上帝。你們要遵守上主的法律和誡命,好使你們在這地安居樂業。」 利未記25:17b-18

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Walking (3)
Bible Reading: Leviticus 26:1-13
Monday, November 10, 2014

Walking (3)  Verse 12 of our Bible Reading says, “I will walk with you and be your God. And you will be my people.” This verse and many other verses from Leviticus are words God spoke to Moses. God told Moses to tell these words to the Israelites.
 God reminded the Israelites about His laws. Most importantly, He told the people in verse 3, “Remember my laws and commands, and obey them.” Often the Israelites wandered away from God. They worshiped false idols. They married people who worshiped other gods. God wanted His people to follow only Him. God told the Israelites that He would bless them and take care of them if they would worship and serve only Him. God also told the Israelites that He would punish them if they did not obey Him.
 God’s words are for us, too. If we will obey God’s commands, He will walk with us. He will be our God. And we will be His special people. God loves you and wants to bless you. Be sure to follow Him! —JK
“You must honor your God. I am the Lord your God. Remember my laws and rules. Obey them and you will live safely in your country.” Leviticus 25:17b-18
PRAYER: Dear Lord, show me today how I can obey You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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