箴言 (13)

on 2014年11月3日 星期一
箴言 (13)
聖經閱讀:箴言13:13-20 現代中譯本|合和本

箴言 (13)  在學校裡我有很多老師,有一些老師很好,有一些不怎麼好。也許你曾經有相同的經驗。
 當我們被管教的時候,如果留心聆聽,上帝就會賞賜我們更美好的生活。 —KP
「藐視教訓,自招災禍; 聽從訓誡,穩妥安全。」 箴言13:13

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Proverbs (13)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 13:13-20
Monday, November 3, 2014

Proverbs (13)  I had many teachers in school. Some of my teachers were very good and some were not so good. Maybe you have had the same experience.
 I had a history teacher who had many good things to teach my class. But some students in the class did not behave very well. The teacher had to stop many times and correct their behavior. The other students and I did not like these times of discipline. But finally the students started to pay attention, and we all learned a lot that year. I can still remember some of those important lessons today.
 The verses in our Bible Reading today remind us that we need to pay attention when we receive discipline and correction. Verse 18 says, “If you refuse to learn from your mistakes, you will be poor, and no one will respect you. If you listen when you are criticized, you will be honored.”
 If we pay attention when we are disciplined, God will reward us with a better life. —KP
“Those who reject a command hurt themselves; those who respect a command will be rewarded.” Proverbs 13:13
PRAYER: God, thank You for teaching me through Your discipline. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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