行走 (6)

on 2014年11月13日 星期四
行走 (6)
聖經閱讀:詩篇23:1-6 現代中譯本|合和本

行走 (6)  今天我們閱讀的經文是大衛王寫的一首讚美詩歌。大衛王寫了很多有關他的生活經歷的詩篇。在第4a節,他說:「縱使走過陰森山谷,我也不怕災害;因為你與我同在。」
 今天你正遭遇困難嗎?當你「走過陰森山谷」時,就求上帝幫助你。 —JK
「上主啊,求你指示我你的道路,把你的途徑告訴我。求你教導我走在你的真道上。」 詩篇25:4-5a

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Walking (6)
Bible Reading: Psalm 23:1-6
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Walking (6)  Our Bible Reading for today is a praise song written by King David. David wrote many psalms about his experiences in life. In verse 4a he said, “Even if I walk through a valley as dark as the grave, I will not be afraid of any danger, because you are with me.”
 David may have been talking about a time when he actually walked through a dark valley. Or he may have been thinking about times he faced problems. Maybe David remembered how he felt when he killed a lion or faced the giant, Goliath. David knew that he did not need to be afraid. Why? Because he knew that God was with him.
 Probably you will never need to kill a lion or fight a giant man. But you will face hard times in life like sickness, financial problems, family problems or death. When these happen, you need to depend on God like David did.
 Are you facing problems today? Ask God to help you as you “walk through a valley as dark as the grave.” —JK
“Lord, help me learn your ways. Show me how you want me to live. Guide me and teach me your truths.” Psalm 25:4-5a
PRAYER: God, I know that You will help me with the problems I face today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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