
on 2013年6月7日 星期五
聖經閱讀:羅馬書8:18-25 現代中譯本|合和本

盼望:什麼?  要小孩耐心等待生日的到來是很難熬的,他們並不確實知道生日那天會發生什麼事、會收到什麼禮物,但是他們希望那將是令人興奮、為他們充滿美好事物的一天。
 今天閱讀的經文提醒我,要耐心等待將與上帝永遠同住的日子,我的盼望在於祂和祂對我的美好應許中。今天,你也可以倚靠祂的應許。 —BH
「如果我們盼望那看不見的,我們就會忍耐等候。」 羅馬書8:25

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Hope: What?
Bible Reading: Romans 8:18-25
Friday, June 7 2013

Hope: What?  Children have a hard time waiting patiently for their birthday to arrive. They may not know exactly what will happen on their birthday or what gifts they will receive. But they hope that it will be an exciting day filled with good things for them.
 Also people look forward to their wedding or graduation. They know that their lives will change, but they are not sure what those changes will be. Still they hope for a bright and successful future.
 As Christians, our hope is in God’s promise. God has promised us salvation and eternal life with Him if we follow and obey Him. I am excited to think about the time when I will have a new body in heaven. I will not have any more health problems. There will not be any pain or fear.
 Our Bible verses today remind me to wait patiently for the time I will live forever with God. My hope is in Him and His wonderful promises to me. You can depend on His promises today, too. —BH
“But we are hoping for something we don’t have yet, and we are waiting for it patiently.” Romans 8:25
PRAYER: God, I put my hope in You and Your promises. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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