
on 2013年6月27日 星期四
聖經閱讀:彼得前書3:8-16 現代中譯本|合和本

你所擁有的盼望  在今天閱讀的經文中,彼得告訴我們一些基督徒應該做的事情。在第8節,他說我們應該「要同心,互相同情,親愛如手足,以仁慈謙讓相待」
「可是要以謙恭溫和的態度回答。要有清白的良心,讓那些侮辱你們、對你們作為基督徒所表現的好品行妄加毀謗的人,自己覺得慚愧。」 彼得前書3:16

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The Hope You Have
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 3:8-16
Thursday, June 27 2013

The Hope You Have  In our Bible Reading today, Peter tells us some things that Christians should do. In verse 8 he says that we should live together in peace, try to understand each other, love each other and be kind and humble.
 Peter continues to list things that Christians should do and things that they should not do. Then in verse 15b, he says, “Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you to explain about the hope you have.”
 Christians are different from the rest of the world. Because of God’s love and peace, they handle situations differently. People who are not Christians may notice a Christian who is going through a bad time and wonder why the Christian is not upset and blaming God. Then that Christian has the opportunity to explain about the hope they have in Jesus.
 Be careful to always do what God wants you to do. Look for ways to share with other people about your salvation and hope for the future. —JK
“But answer them in a gentle way with respect. Keep your conscience clear. Then people will see the good way you live as followers of Christ.” 1 Peter 3:16a
PRAYER: Father, help me to be a good example today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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