
on 2013年6月6日 星期四
聖經閱讀:希伯來書8:1-13 現代中譯本|合和本

盼望:誰?  我記得當我們遭遇到一場強烈暴風雪的時候,走在冰雪上是非常困難的,當我努力往前走時,風就把我往後吹。
 今天,你可以倚靠耶穌,祂會讓你保持剛強並幫助你面對「人生的暴風雪」。 —BH
「他在至聖所供職當大祭司;這聖所不是人所造,而是主所建立的真聖幕。」 希伯來書8:2

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Hope: Who?
Bible Reading: Hebrews 8:1-13
Thursday, June 6 2013

Hope: Who?  I remember when we had a bad ice and wind storm. Walking on the ice was very difficult. When I tried to walk, the wind blew me backwards.
 Finally, I went into my garage and found a pole that had a sharp end. As I walked, I held onto the pole and poked the sharp end into the ice. This helped me walk against the wind on the slippery ice.
 I have faced many “storms” in life. These storms were times when I was confused or sad or frustrated. But I have learned that during these times, I need to have hope in Jesus. He is like the pole that kept me from falling. Jesus helps me stand strong and not give up.
 Our Bible Reading today tells us that Jesus is sitting on the right side of God. He is always with us, helping us and showing us His love and mercy.
 You can depend on Jesus today. He will keep you strong and help you face the “storms” in your life. —BH
“Our high priest serves in the Most Holy Place. He serves in the true place of worship that was made by God, not by anyone here on earth.” Hebrews 8:2
PRAYER: God, I will depend on Jesus to help me today. In His name. Amen.

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