
on 2013年6月25日 星期二
聖經閱讀:歌羅西書1:21-23 現代中譯本|合和本

不要放棄盼望  當我知道懷了第一個孩子的時候,我和我的先生都很興奮,每一天我們都期待著兒子的出生。
「你們的信心和愛心都是以那為你們保存在天上的盼望為根據的。這福音不但傳到你們那裏,也傳遍全世界,不斷地生長,結果子,正像當初你們聽見而且真正認識上帝的恩典時,生長,結果子一樣。」 歌羅西書1:5b-6

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Don’t Give Up The Hope
Bible Reading: Colossians 1:21-23
Tuesday, June 25 2013

Don’t Give Up The Hope  When I learned that I was pregnant with my first child, my husband and I were very excited. Every day we looked forward to the birth of our son.
 We hoped that our son would be born strong and healthy. When did our hope begin? Did it begin before we knew that we would have a baby? No! It began when we learned that a baby was coming in November.
 Before a person learns about Jesus and becomes a Christian, he does not have any hope of salvation. But when that person follows and obeys Jesus, he has hope of eternal life with God. In verse 23b of our Bible Reading, Paul says, “You must remain strong and sure in your faith. You must not let anything cause you to give up the hope that became yours when you heard the Good News.”
 If you are a Christian, don’t give up the hope that you received when you started following Jesus. Be strong and keep your faith in God! —JK
“Your faith and love continue because you know what is waiting for you in heaven — the hope you have had since you first heard the true message, the Good News that was told to you.” Colossians 1:5-6a
PRAYER: Father, thank You for the hope we have because of the Good News. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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