
on 2016年5月29日 星期日
聖經閱讀:猶大書1:17-23 現代中譯本|合和本

在跟未信主的人互動時,我們必須很有智慧並且小心,要愛他們、幫助他們認識上帝,但是我們不可陷入他們的生活方式和罪惡之中。 —JP*

「我們既然曉得怎樣敬畏主,就以此勸導人。上帝完全認識我們;我希望你們也從心裡認識我。」 哥林多後書5:11

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Loving Others
Bible Reading: Jude 1:17-23
Sunday, May 29, 2016

 The Bible tells us many times that we should love other people. God expects us to love all people. But God also expects us to avoid sin. This was confusing to me until I read the verses in our Bible Reading for today.
Verses 22-23 say, “Help those who have doubts. Rescue those who are living in danger of hell's fire. There are others you should treat with mercy, but be very careful that their filthy lives don't rub off on you.” This is wise advice for Christians. We should love other people by being involved in their lives and by helping them. But we should show our love for God by not allowing these people's sins to influence us to do wrong.
We need to be very wise and careful when we interact with people who are not Christians. Love them and help them learn about God. But we should not give into their lifestyle and sin. —JP*

“We know what it means to fear the Lord, so we try to help people accept the truth. God knows what we really are, and I hope that in your hearts you know us too.” 2 Corinthians 5:11
PRAYER: Father, I want to love other people and help them know Jesus. Help me to avoid sin and follow You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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