聖經中的母親 (4)

on 2016年5月11日 星期三
聖經中的母親 (4)

 耶穌的母親馬利亞大概是聖經中最有名的母親,今天閱讀的經文告訴我們天使加百列拜訪馬利亞的情形。 加百列告訴馬利亞一個令人興奮的消息:「馬利亞,不要害怕,因為上帝施恩給你。你要懷孕生一個兒子,要給他取名叫耶穌」(第30b-31節)。
今天就學像馬利亞,不要問──就照著上帝說的去做! -JK

「他(耶穌)要永遠作雅各家的王,他的王權無窮無盡!」 路加福音1:33

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Bible Mothers (4)
Bible Reading: Luke 1:26-38
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is probably the best-known mother in the Bible. Our Bible Reading today tells us about the time when the angel, Gabriel, visited Mary.
Gabriel told Mary some exciting news. “Don't be afraid, Mary, because God is very pleased with you. Listen! You will become pregnant, and have a baby boy. You will name him Jesus” (verses 30b-31).
I think that Mary was surprised, confused and also happy. She probably had many questions in her mind. But she didn't argue with Gabriel. Instead, Mary said, “I am the servant of the Lord God. Let this thing you have said happen to me!” (verse 38a).
Sometimes God gives me a job to do. But instead of being like Mary, I complain and ask God, “Why do I have to do this?” I need to learn to be humble like Mary. Also I need to trust God to help me do what He wants me to do.
Be like Mary today. Don't ask questions — just do what God says! —JK

“He [Jesus] will rule over the people of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.” Luke 1:33
PRAYER: Dear Father, I want to be humble and obedient like Mary. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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