
on 2015年10月8日 星期四
聖經閱讀:彼得前書3:13-16 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝和耶穌是真嗎?  人們辯論上帝是不是真的已經有很多年了,有人問上帝是不是真的,有些人懷疑上帝的兒子耶穌是否真的住在世上、死在十架上,然後從死裡復活?耶穌是真的,還是假的呢?
 上帝希望我們去告訴人祂是真實的,今天經文閱讀的第15節提醒我們,應該要隨時準備好向人傳講上帝,以及我們對祂的信心。接下來的三天,我們要來談三種不同的回應,你可以拿來分享給那些問你上帝事情的人。 —CPE*
「要有敬畏基督的心,以他為主。有人要求你們解釋心裡的盼望,要隨時準備答辯」 彼得前書3:15

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God and Jesus Real?
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 3:13-16
Thursday, October 8, 2015

God and Jesus Real?  For many years people have debated whether God is real. People have asked if God is real. Some people wonder if God’s Son, Jesus, really lived on earth, died on the cross and rose from the dead. Is Jesus false or real?
 Some people believe that God is not real because they cannot see Him. Today we cannot see Jesus physically, but we can depend on proofs that show us that Jesus is real.
 Often people want proof. If someone in your school, your neighborhood, your office or your church asks you if God is real, what answer would you give them? How would you respond?
 God wants us to tell others that He is real. Verse 15 of our Bible Reading reminds us that we should always be ready to tell people about God and our faith in Him. For the next three days, we will talk about three different answers that you can share with people who ask you about God. —CPE*
“But keep the Lord Christ holy in your hearts. Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you to explain about the hope you have.”1 Peter 3:15
PRAYER: Dear God, I believe You are real. Help me share this news with others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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