聆聽 (3)

on 2015年10月29日 星期四
聆聽 (3)




我必須停止靠自己的努力來做上帝的工,我必須留心聆聽上帝的話語並且做好自己的部份,而且我也必須相信上帝會做好祂的部份。今天就信靠上帝吧! —SH*


Hearing (3)
Bible Reading: Galatians 3:1-9
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Could you work really hard and make a blind person see? Or could you read a recipe and change water into wine? Could you learn about wheelchairs and make a lame person walk? Those are all silly questions. We can’t do anything to make those things happen.

But sometimes I think I can do God’s work on my own. I try to do things without depending on God’s power to help me. I need to remember that only God can help me live a pure life. Only God can give me real peace in my heart. Only God can forgive my sins and give me eternal life with Him.
 In verse 5b of our Bible Reading Paul tells the Christians in Galatia, “God gives you his Spirit and works miracles among you because you heard the message about Jesus and believed it.

I need to stop trying so hard to do God’s work. I need to pay attention to God’s Word and do my part. And I need to trust God to do His part. Trust God today! —SH*
Trust the Lord completely, and don't depend on your own knowledge.”  Proverbs 3:5

PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, I want to know Your Word and to trust You every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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