
on 2015年8月5日 星期三
聖經閱讀:列王紀上18:18-40 現代中譯本|合和本

以利亞  以利亞是向人分享上帝信息的先知,有一些以色列人不再敬拜上帝,這些人膜拜假神巴力。
「民眾看見了都俯伏地上,大聲呼喊:『上主是上帝;惟有上主是上帝!』」 列王紀上18:39

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Bible Reading: 1 Kings 18:18-40
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Elijah  Elijah was a prophet who shared God’s message with people. Some Israelites had stopped worshiping God. These people worshiped the false god, Baal.
 In our Bible Reading today, Elijah gave a challenge to the followers of Baal. Elijah wanted to prove that God was the only true God. Elijah told the people (verse 21), “You must decide what you are going to do. How long will you keep jumping from one side to the other? If the Lord is the true God, follow him. But if Baal is the true God, then follow him!”
 Both the followers of Baal and Elijah prepared a sacrifice. The followers of Baal prayed to their god to send fire to burn up the sacrifice, but nothing happened. But when Elijah prayed to God, “fire came down from the Lord and burned the sacrifice, the wood, the stones, and the ground around the altar” (verse 38a). This proved that God was the one true God!
 God is the only One we should worship. Follow and serve Him all your life! —DB*
“All the people saw this happen and bowed down to the ground and began saying, ‘The Lord is God! The Lord is God!’” 1 Kings 18:39
PRAYER: God, thank You for showing us that You are the one true God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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