耐心 (3)

on 2015年8月16日 星期日
耐心 (3)
聖經閱讀:約翰福音7:1-10 現代中譯本|合和本

耐心 (3)  我們常常有對家人失去耐心的問題,當跟家人在一起的時候,我們就露出自己的本性。
 今天就愛你的家人並且耐心對待他們! -DF
「不輕易動怒的才算聰明;脾氣急躁的只暴露愚拙。」 箴言14:29

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Patience (3)
Bible Reading: John 7:1-10
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Patience (3)  Often we have a problem being patient with our family members. When we are with our family, we show who we truly are.
 Think about your family. Are you patient when your elderly parents repeat stories over and over again? Are you patient with your spouse when they disagree with you? And what about your in-laws? Are you as patient with them as you are with your own parents?
 We all have family members that are hard to get along with. Some judge us unfairly or criticize us. And some disagree with us about politics, religion and many other things.
 In our Bible Reading today, we learn that Jesus had problems with His earthly family, too. Some of His family members did not believe and follow Him. But Jesus was always patient with them. The Bible tells us that later these family members did believe that Jesus was truly God’s Son.
 Love your family today and be patient with them! —DF
“A patient person is very smart. A quick-tempered person makes stupid mistakes.” Proverbs 14:29
PRAYER: Father, show me how I can be patient with my family today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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