傳道書 (6)

on 2015年8月26日 星期三
傳道書 (6)
聖經閱讀:傳道書5:10-17 現代中譯本|合和本

傳道書 (6)  現今很多人崇拜金錢,在今天閱讀的經文中,傳道書的作者檢視人們怎麼看待金錢和財富。
 我們都需要金錢來生活,但是它不能帶給我們真正的快樂,真正的快樂只能來自與上帝的親密關係。今天你親近祂嗎? -JK
「他空手到世上來,也得空手回去。不管在世怎樣勞碌,他甚麼都不能帶走。」 傳道書5:15

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Ecclesiastes (6)
Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 5:10-17
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Ecclesiastes (6)  Many people today worship their money. In our Bible reading, the writer of Ecclesiastes looks at what people think about money and wealth.
 People think that wealth gives them satisfaction. But the writer says that “those who love wealth will not be satisfied when they get more and more” (verse 10b). Many people also think that money will solve all their problems. But really having a lot of money only makes new problems for us.
 Some people believe that wealth gives them peace of mind. But we can think about many people whose lives have been ruined by their wealth. Finally, the writer says that people think that money gives them security. But bad things can happen and cause us to lose our money.
 We all need money to live, but it cannot bring us true happiness. True happiness can only come from a close relationship with God. Are you close to Him today? —JK
“People come into the world with nothing. And when they die, they leave with nothing. They might work hard to get things, but they cannot take anything with them when they die.” Ecclesiastes 5:15
PRAYER: God, I love you so much! I want to always be close to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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