傳道書 (7)

on 2015年8月27日 星期四
傳道書 (7)
聖經閱讀:傳道書7:7-9 現代中譯本|合和本

傳道書 (7)  在傳道書第7章中,作者寫了一系列智慧的教導,這些教導和所羅門王在箴言中所寫的非常相似。
「要思想上帝的作為。他造成彎曲的,誰能使它變直?事事順利的時候,你要歡樂;患難的時候,不要忘記喜樂和患難都出於上帝。」 傳道書7:13-14a

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Ecclesiastes (7)
Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 7:7-9
Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ecclesiastes (7)  In chapter 7 of Ecclesiastes, the writer includes a list of wise teachings. These teachings are very similar to those written by King Solomon in the book of Proverbs.
 Verses 7 through 9 give us some wise teachings that are good for us to follow. Verse 7 talks about bribery. Bribery may seem to be the easy way to get something done. But it only makes people act foolish and stupid.
 Verse 8 reminds us that when we start something, it is important for us to finish it. And this verse also tells us that it is “better to be gentle and patient than to be proud and impatient.”
 Verse 9 talks about anger. We should not become angry quickly. Why? Because “anger is foolish.”
 I encourage you to read all of Ecclesiastes, chapter 7. Then use these wise teachings in your life today. —JK
“Look at what God has made. You cannot change a thing, even if you think it is wrong. When life is good, enjoy it. But when life is hard, remember that God gives us good times and hard times.” Ecclesiastes 7:13-14a
PRAYER: Father, help me to be wise and obedient today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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