傳道書 (10)

on 2015年8月30日 星期日
傳道書 (10)
聖經閱讀:傳道書12:9-14 現代中譯本|合和本

傳道書 (10)  我們終於讀到了傳道書的結尾,在這裡作者告訴我們什麼是生命中最重要的事。
 我希望你已經從我們研讀的傳道書經文學到一些好的教訓,雖然這些經文都是很久以前寫的,但仍然有一些重要信息可以給今天的我們來學習。當你敬畏並順服上帝時,願上帝祝福你! -JK
「要讚美上主!敬畏上主的人多麼有福啊!喜歡遵行上主誡命的人多麼有福啊!他的心堅定,一心信靠上主。」 詩篇112:1,7b

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Ecclesiastes (10)
Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 12:9-14
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Ecclesiastes (10)  We are finally at the end of Ecclesiastes, and now the writer tells us what is most important in life.
 Throughout the book, the writer has looked at wealth, wisdom, success and other things in life. Now he concludes that, “The most important thing a person can do is to respect God and obey his commands” (verse 13b). He does not say that we should try to have more wealth, wisdom or success. The writer says that we should respect and obey God.
 If we respect God, we will pay attention to His Word, the Bible, and obey it. When we read and study the Bible, we learn more about God and how we can follow Him.
 I hope that you have learned some good lessons from the verses we studied in Ecclesiastes. Even though these verses were written a long time ago, they still have important messages for us today. May God bless you as you respect and obey Him! —JK
“Praise the Lord! Great blessings belong to those who fear and respect the Lord, who are happy to do what he commands. They are confident because they trust in the Lord.” Psalm 112:1,7b
PRAYER: God, thank You for Your teachings in the Bible. I love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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