傳道書 (3)

on 2015年8月23日 星期日
傳道書 (3)
聖經閱讀:傳道書2:24-26 現代中譯本|合和本

傳道書 (3)  每一天上帝都祝福我們,祂賜下陽光來溫暖我們並讓植物、樹木成長。上帝賜下空氣讓我們呼吸,賜水給我們喝,賜食物給我們吃,但我們常常忘記為這些重要的事感謝上帝。
 今天就想一想上帝祝福?的各種方式,然後花時間感謝祂、讚美祂! -JK
「上帝賜智慧、知識,和喜樂給那使他喜歡的人。」 傳道書2:26a

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Ecclesiastes (3)
Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 2:24-26
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Ecclesiastes (3)  Every day God gives us blessings. He sends sunshine to keep us warm and to make the plants and trees grow. God gives us air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat. Often we forget to thank God for these important things.
 In our Bible verses today, the writer decided that the “best thing people can do is eat, drink, and enjoy the work they must do” (verse 24b). That is good advice for us today. But more important than this, the writer realized that all these wonderful blessings come from God. “I also saw that this comes from God” (verse 25b).
 Maybe you have problems so you think that God is not blessing you. But God blesses us, even when we are facing problems. God gives us wisdom and strength to help us work through our problems and give glory to Him.
 Think about the many ways that God is blessing you today. Then take time to thank Him and praise Him! —JK
“If people do good and please God, he will give them wisdom, knowledge, and joy.” Ecclesiastes 2:26a
PRAYER: God, You do so many wonderful things for me. Thank You for blessing me each day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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