
on 2015年4月2日 星期四
聖經閱讀:路加福音23:44-47 現代中譯本|合和本

「在你手裡」  在今天經文閱讀的第46節,我們得知耶穌在死去之前,祂向上帝呼喊:「父親哪,我把自己的靈魂交在你手裡!」,無論你用什麼方式說這句話──口語、手語,或是書寫──這都是非常美妙的一句話!
 今天就將自己交給上帝,不要再等待了!現在就開始用你後面的人生來服事上帝。 —DK
「聽啊,現在就是接納上帝恩惠的時刻!今天就是上帝拯救的日子!」 哥林多後書6:2b

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“In Your Hands”
Bible Reading: Luke 23:44-47
Thursday, April 2, 2015

“In Your Hands”  In verse 46 of our Bible Reading, we learn that before Jesus died, He said to God, “Father, I put my life in your hands!” However you say it — spoken language, sign language or written language — it is wonderful!
 This was not the first time that Jesus said something like this. When He was only twelve years old, Jesus told Mary and Joseph, “I must be where my Father's work is” (Luke 2:49b). When Jesus was an adult He said, “The Father and I are one” (John 10:30). Now, as Jesus is dying on the cross, He says that He completely gives Himself to God.
 Many people wait until they are dying to become serious about God. When we are twelve years old, we would rather play. When we are thirty-three, we would rather earn money. When we are dying, we are finally ready to think about God. But, usually that is too late! By that time, we have wasted our lives serving the devil instead of God.
 Give yourself to God today. Don't wait! Start now to serve God for the rest of your life. —DK
“I tell you that the ‘right time' is now. The ‘day of salvation' is now.”2 Corinthians 6:2b
PRAYER: Dear God, I give myself to You today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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