漢字 (5)

on 2015年4月12日 星期日
漢字 (5)
聖經閱讀:詩篇146:1-10 現代中譯本|合和本

漢字 (5)  你信任什麼樣的人的呢?我信任那些跟我說真話、言行一致的人,如果有人對我說謊或不信守承諾,我就再也不會相信他們了。
 無論現在面臨什麼問題,你都可以倚靠上帝來幫助你。今天就信任祂、倚靠祂的信實! —KP
「上帝創造天、地、海,和其中萬物;他始終持守他的諾言。」 詩篇146:6

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Chinese Characters (5)
Bible Reading: Psalm 146:1-10
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Chinese Characters (5)  What kind of people do you believe and trust? I trust and believe people who tell me the truth and do what they say they will do. If someone tells me a lie or doesn't keep a promise, I don't trust them again in the future.
 Our character for today is the most common Chinese word for “faith.” It can sometimes mean “to believe.” The left side means “man” or “person” and the right side means “word.” When a person does what he says he will do, we know we can believe and trust him.
 Our Bible Reading today shows us that we can believe God all the time. “The Lord helps those who are in trouble. The Lord loves those who do right” (verse 8b). Sometimes we cannot depend on other people. They hurt us or fail us. But God is faithful forever!
 No matter what problems you are facing, you can rely on God to help you. Trust Him and depend on His faithfulness today! —KP
“He [God] made heaven and earth. He made the sea and everything in it. He can be trusted to do what he says.” Psalm 146:6
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I want to trust You more and more each day. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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