彼得 (西門)

on 2014年1月30日 星期四
彼得 (西門)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳2:37-42 現代中譯本|合和本

彼得 (西門)  今天我們要來談彼得,他也被稱作西門。馬太、馬可、路加、以及約翰福音都形容彼得是個有行動力的人,同時也形容他是一個有時候該聆聽卻多話的人。
 也許對你來說,去說或是去做正確的事很困難,也許你害怕向人傳講耶穌,但是上帝可以改變你──就像他改變彼得一樣。今天就讓上帝透過你來作工! -DF
「議員們看見彼得和約翰那麼勇敢,又曉得他們是沒有受過甚麼教育的平常人,十分希奇,就理會到這兩人原是跟隨過耶穌的。」 使徒行傳4:13

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Peter (Simon)
Bible Reading: Acts 2:37-42
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Peter (Simon)  Today we will talk about Peter, who was also called Simon. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John describe Peter as a man of action. They also describe him as a man who sometimes talked when he should have listened.
 Peter walked on water until he took his eyes off Jesus. Then he started to sink. Another time Peter boasted that he would never leave Jesus. Within hours, Peter said three times that he did not know Jesus.
 Many people look at Peter and see his weaknesses. But in our Bible Reading today we see a new Peter. He has been filled with the Holy Spirit. Peter is now a courageous preacher.
 Maybe it is hard for you to say and do the right things. Maybe you are afraid to tell other people about Jesus. God can change you — just like He changed Peter. Let God work through you today. —DF
“The Jewish leaders understood that Peter and John had no special training or education. But they also saw that they were not afraid to speak. So the leaders were amazed. They also realized that Peter and John had been with Jesus.” Acts 4:13
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to tell other people about Jesus today. In His name.

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