耶穌做了什麼 (5)

on 2014年1月5日 星期日
耶穌做了什麼 (5)
聖經閱讀:馬可福音11:15-19 現代中譯本|合和本

耶穌做了什麼 (5)  今天的經文是關於一次耶穌去到耶路撒冷聖殿所發生的事情。當時耶穌跟聖殿裡的人說話,祂說(第17節):「聖經記載上帝的話說:『我的聖殿要作萬民禱告的殿』。」
 今天就研讀上帝的話語,聖經。求上帝幫助你將祂的話語放在你的心裡面。 —JK
「要使事奉上帝的人得到充分的準備,能做各種善事。」 提摩太後書3:17

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WDJD (5)
Bible Reading: Mark 11:15-19
Sunday, January 5, 2014

WDJD (5)  Our Bible Reading today is about a time when Jesus went to the temple in Jerusalem. While Jesus was talking with the people in the temple, He said (verse 17), “It is written in the Scriptures, ‘My Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations.’”
 Often when Jesus was speaking, He quoted verses from the Scriptures. The Scriptures were the books of the Old Testament that the Jews studied. Jesus knew what God’s Word said, and He was able to share it with people.
 We need to follow Jesus’ example and know God’s Word. Knowing God’s Word happens when we study it every day. Then we can be ready to share Bible verses with people who want to know about God. It is good if we can memorize some verses, but it is also good to know where to find verses about salvation and obeying God.
 Study God’s Word, the Bible, today. Ask God to help you keep His Word in your heart. —JK
“Using the Scriptures, those who serve God will be prepared and will have everything they need to do every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:17
PRAYER: Father, I want to study and know Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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