
on 2013年11月24日 星期日
聖經閱讀:詩篇89:30-37 現代中譯本|合和本

懲罰  今天的經文談到不遵從上帝的人們。上帝會如何處置違背祂的律法並且不再遵從祂命令的人呢?第32節給了我們上帝的答案:「我就要因他們的罪懲罰他們;我要因他們的過犯鞭打他們。」
 有時候,上帝會利用我們受懲罰的時間訓練並塑造我們,使我們更加愛祂、更多事奉祂。今天就信靠上帝,並且請求祂幫助你在生活中作好的選擇。 —SH*
「上主啊,我永遠要歌頌你的慈愛;我代代要傳揚你的信實。我知道,你的慈愛永遠長存;你的信實如天永固。」 詩篇89:1-2

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Bible Reading: Psalm 89:30-37
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Punishment  Our Bible verses for today talk about people who disobey God. What will He do to people who break His laws and stop obeying His commands? Verse 32 gives us God’s answer, “I will punish them severely for their sins and wrongs.”
 No one likes to be punished. But God has good news, too. The next few verses tell us that God may punish us, but He will never stop loving us or break His promises to us.
 If a man steals something, the law says he will go to jail. But that does not mean that God stops loving the man. God will even help that man to use the jail time as a way to change his life and be closer to Him.
 Sometimes God uses times of punishment as a way to train and mold us to love and serve Him more. Trust God today and ask Him to help you make good choices in life. —SH*
“I will sing forever about the Lord’s love. I will sing about his faithfulness forever and ever! I will say, ‘Your faithful love will last forever. Your loyalty is like the sky — there is no end to it!’” Psalm 89:1-2
PRAYER: God, thank You for Your love and faithfulness. Help me to trust You more each day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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