
on 2013年11月15日 星期五
聖經閱讀:路加福音6:27-36 現代中譯本|合和本

分享愛  我有三個姪女,我很愛他們,對於她們要求得到的東西,我總是樂意跟她們分享或給予。我總是願意幫助她們、愛她們,並給她們建議,當我向她們表達愛時,我同時也在分享上帝的愛。
 或許有些人對你做了壞事,或造了一些謠言,就為他們禱告,請求上帝改變他們的心,讓他們願意來跟隨祂。 —JR*
「不,你們要愛仇敵,善待他們…那麼,你們將得到豐富的獎賞,而且將成為至高上帝的兒女」 路加福音6:35

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Sharing Love
Bible Reading: Luke 6:27-36
Friday, November 15, 2013

Sharing Love  I have three nieces. I love them very much. I am always willing to share with them or give them what they ask. I will always help them, love them and give them advice. When I show my love to them, I am also sharing God’s love.
 The verses in our Bible Reading are about sharing love. But Jesus was not talking about sharing love with our family or friends. He was talking about loving our enemies. That is not easy to do!
 Verses 27-28 tell us, “But I say to you people who are listening to me, love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you. Ask God to bless the people who ask for bad things to happen to you. Pray for those people who are mean to you.” That is what God wants us to do.
 Maybe there are people who do bad things to you or tell lies about you. Pray for these people. Ask God to change their hearts so they will follow Him. —JR*
“I’m telling you to love your enemies and do good to them...If you do this, you will have a great reward. You will be children of the Most High.” Luke 6:35
PRAYER: Father, please bless the people who do not like me. Help me to show them Your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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