
on 2013年11月12日 星期二
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳5:12-21 現代中譯本|合和本

在耶穌裡的新生命  撒都該人是信奉猶太教的一個教派,在今天的經文中,他們對使徒感到不滿,為什麼呢?因為使徒教導人們可以在耶穌裡有新生命並且得著永生,而撒都該人並不相信人死後可以復活。
 身為基督徒,我們有一個任務,就是去告訴別人我們在耶穌裡的新生命,這樣他們也才可以擁有新的生命! —DJH*
「使徒聽從這話,在天快亮的時候進了聖殿,開始教導人。」 使徒行傳5:21a

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New Life in Jesus
Bible Reading: Acts 5:12-21
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

New Life in Jesus  The Sadducees were a Jewish religious group. In our Bible Reading today, they were upset with the apostles. Why? Because the apostles were teaching that people could have new life in Jesus and live forever. The Sadducees did not believe that people could live again after they died.
 The apostles were arrested and put in jail. But during the night an angel opened the jail doors. The angel told the apostles, “Go and stand in the Temple area. Tell the people everything about this new life” (verse 20).
 When we became Christians, God gave us a new life in Jesus. Romans 3:23-24 tells us, “All have sinned and are not good enough to share God’s divine greatness. They are made right with God...by being made free from sin through Jesus Christ.”
 As Christians, we have a job to do. Our job is to tell other people about our new life in Jesus. Then they can have new life, too! —DJH*
“When the apostles heard this, they did what they were told. They went into the Temple area about sunrise and began to teach the people.” Acts 5:21a
PRAYER: Thank You, God, for sending Jesus to die on the cross and for giving us new life in Him. In His name. Amen.

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