天氣 (5)

on 2016年8月4日 星期四
天氣 (5)
聖經閱讀:出埃及記13:20-22 現代中譯本|合和本

 在孩子還小的時候,我們喜歡看天上的雲朵,有些看起來像大象、有些像鱷魚,有的看起來像人臉或是一朵花。 人生中我曾經看過一些讓人驚嘆的雲朵,但是我認為沒有一個能跟今天的經文所提到的雲相比。這些經節告訴我們,上帝用眼睛看得見的方式在以色列人出埃及到新地土的途中帶領他們:「白天,上主走在他們前面,用雲柱指示方向;夜間,上主走在前面,用火柱照亮他們」(第21a節)。
這雲一定很巨大、很特別,讓以色列人很容易跟隨。有時候我希望上帝也會用特別的雲來幫助我知道人生該走哪一條路,但是祂沒有這麼做!我有的只是上帝的話語,也就是聖經,作我一生的指引。今天就遵照聖經的話來行,上帝的話語會幫助你持守在正確的道路上。 —JK

「全部聖經是受上帝靈感而寫的,對於教導真理,指責謬誤,糾正過錯,指示人生正路,都有益處。」 提摩太後書3:16

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Weather (5)
Bible Reading: Exodus 13:20-22
Thursday, August 4, 2016

 When my children were little, we liked to look at clouds. Some looked like an elephant or a crocodile. Others looked like the face of a person or a flower. I have seen some awesome clouds in my life. But I think nothing can compare with the cloud talked about in our Bible Reading today. These verses tell us that God visibly led the Israelites out of Egypt on their journey to a new land. “During the day, he used a tall cloud to lead the people. And during the night, he used a tall column of fire to lead the way” (verse 21b).
That cloud must have been very large and very special. It would have been easy for the Israelites to follow it. Sometimes I wish that God would use a special cloud to help me know which way I should go in life. But He doesn't do that! Instead, I have God's Word, the Bible, to be my guide through life. Follow the Bible today. God's Word will help you stay on the right path. —JK

“All Scripture is given by God. And all Scripture is useful for teaching and for showing people what is wrong in their lives. It is useful for correcting faults and teaching the right way to live.” 2 Timothy 3:16
PRAYER: Father, thank You for Your Word. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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