天氣 (3)

on 2016年8月2日 星期二
天氣 (3)

彩虹提醒我們上帝永遠信守祂的應許,上帝已經應許我們耶穌會再來並帶祂的信徒去永遠與祂同住,上帝這麼應許──好讓我們知道,這件事一定會發生! —JK

「讓我們堅定不移地持守我們所宣認的盼望,因為上帝的應許是可靠的。」 希伯來書10:23

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Weather (3)
Bible Reading: Genesis 9:1-17
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

 We had an early morning rain shower this week. While I was driving to work, I saw a double rainbow. I think rainbows are some of the most beautiful things in nature. An Irish legend says that a pot of gold is hidden at the end of a rainbow. But our Bible verses for today tell us that God’s rainbow is far more important than a pot of gold.
Noah obeyed God by building a big boat to save his family and some animals from the flood. After Noah came out of the boat, God told him, “When I see this rainbow, I will remember the agreement between me and you and every living thing on the earth. This agreement says that a flood will never again destroy all life on earth” (verse 15).
Rainbows remind me that God always keeps His promises. God has promised that Jesus will come and take His followers to live with Him. God promised that — so we can know for sure that it will happen! —JK

“We must hold on to the hope we have, never hesitating to tell people about it. We can trust God to do what he promised.” Hebrews 10:23
PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for always keeping Your promises. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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