孩子 (4)

on 2016年8月14日 星期日
a孩子 (4)
聖經閱讀:馬太福音21:12-17 現代中譯本|合和本

下一次上帝若為你行了奇妙的事,你要花時間讚美祂,並且去告訴別人上帝為你成就的事。唱一首歌或寫一首詩,不要害羞去感謝讚美祂為你所做的事! —PD

「聖經上所說『你使兒童和嬰兒發出完美的頌讚』」 馬太福音21:16b

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Children (4)
Bible Reading: Matthew 21:12-17
Sunday, August 14, 2016

 Today is our last devotion about children. The Bible shows us that adults can learn important lessons about praise by watching children. Most children are not afraid to worship God in front of other people.
I have worked in childcare ministries and Vacation Bible Schools where children sang loudly to God. They prayed and repeated Bible verses. They are excited about what God has done for them. In our Bible verses for today, Jesus healed blind and crippled people in the temple area. The children that were there praised God. “The children were shouting, ‘Praise to the Son of David’” (verse 15b). This made the Jewish leaders angry. But Jesus reminded them that they should be praising God, too.
The next time God does something wonderful for you, take time to praise Him. Tell other people what God has done for you. Sing a song. Write a poem. Don’t be ashamed to thank and praise God for what He has done for you! —PD

“Yes, the Scriptures say, ‘You have taught children and babies to give praise.’” Matthew 21:16b
PRAYER: God, I praise You because You sent Jesus to die for me. Thank You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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