
on 2016年4月17日 星期日
聖經閱讀:撒母耳記上3:1-10 現代中譯本|合和本

你要花時間研讀並查考聖經,要請求上帝幫助你留心聆聽祂要給你的信息。 -NM

「於是,以利知道那是上主在呼喚這孩子,就對撒母耳說:『回去睡吧;如果他再喊你,你就說:「上主啊,請說,僕人聽著!」』」 金句出處

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God's Call
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 3:1-10
Sunday, April 17, 2016

As I went for my walk, I passed four young boys who were playing along the road. Then I heard an adult voice calling, “Billy!” Evidently Billy was so busy playing that he didn't hear his name called. In a few moments, I heard the voice call Billy again. But this time it was louder. I think that Billy heard the voice, but he wanted to play so he ignored the call.
In our Bible verses today, God had a message to give Samuel. At first Samuel thought Eli, the priest, was calling him. Finally when Samuel heard the voice he answered, “Speak. I am your servant, and I am listening” (verse 10b).
I am sure many times in my life God has called me through His Word or through other people. But I was so busy with my everyday life, that I did not pay attention to Him.
Spend time reading and studying the Bible. Ask God to help you pay attention to His messages for you. —NM

“Finally, Eli understood that the Lord was calling the boy. Eli told Samuel, ‘Go to bed. If he calls you again, say, “Speak, Lord. I am your servant, and I am listening.”'” 1 Samuel 3:8b
PRAYER: God, thank You for the Bible. Help me to always pay attention to You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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