水的神蹟 (6)

on 2016年4月23日 星期六
水的神蹟 (6)
聖經閱讀:約翰福音2:1-11 現代中譯本|合和本

在今天的經文中,我們讀到耶穌、祂的母親,還有一些祂的門徒正在參加婚禮,所有的酒都喝完了,大家卻不知道該怎麼辦。耶穌叫僕人將六個大水缸裝滿水,然後祂叫他們舀出一些水給管筵席的人。那人嚐了後,說耶穌竟然將水變成了酒! 經文第11b節告訴我們耶穌藉由這個神蹟「顯示了他的榮耀;他的門徒都信了他。」這個神蹟顯示出耶穌是多麼大有能力,也幫助耶穌的門徒相信祂。每一天,耶穌的門徒都更認識祂。
現今耶穌已不在世上行神蹟了,但是我們可以在聖經中讀到祂的神蹟。當讀到這些事蹟時,我們就可以了解耶穌的能力有多大! —JK

「你是基督,是永生上帝的兒子。」 馬太福音16:16b

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Water Miracles (6)
Bible Reading: John 2:1-11
Saturday, April 23, 2016

 While Jesus
was on earth,
He did many
Jesus could
do these
because He is
God's Son. Jesus did many miracles to help people.
In our Bible Reading today, we read that Jesus, His mother and some of His followers were at a wedding. All the wine was gone, and the people did not know what to do. Jesus told the servants to
fill six large water pots with water. Then Jesus told them to take out some water and give it to the man in charge of the feast. The man tasted it. Jesus had changed the water into wine! Verse 11b tells us that by this miracle Jesus “showed his divine greatness, and his followers believed in him.” This miracle showed how powerful Jesus was. And this miracle helped Jesus' followers believe in Him. Every day Jesus' followers learned more about Him.
Jesus is not living on earth today and performing miracles. But we can read about His miracles in the Bible. When we read these things, we can understand how powerful Jesus is! —JK

“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:16b
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Son, Jesus, who is powerful. In His name. Amen.

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