
on 2015年2月25日 星期三
聖經閱讀:約翰一書2:1-6 現代中譯本|合和本

特別的關係  最近,我一次當了祖父,我的小孫女是這麼的令人疼愛!儘管她出生才幾天,我愛她並知道我們之間會永遠有一個特別的關係。
 請享受你與家人的關係,但是記得耶穌才是最重要的。今天就愛祂、服事祂。 —SL

「如果我們生活在光明中,正如上帝在光明中,我們就彼此有團契,而他的兒子耶穌的血洗淨我們一切的罪。」 約翰一書1:7b

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Special Relationship
Bible Reading: 1 John 2:1-6
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Special Relationship  Recently I became a grandfather for the first time. My little granddaughter is so precious! Even though she is only a few days old, I love her and know that we will always have a special relationship.
 Family relationships are special, but my relationship with Jesus is even more special to me. Our Bible verses today talk about this special relationship with Jesus. Verse 1 tells us that Jesus is our helper. Jesus helps us by defending us before God. And verse 2a says, “Jesus is the way our sins are taken away.”
 Our relationships with people on earth are important. But it is even more important that we have a relationship with Jesus. Jesus died for us and accepted the punishment for our sins. If we follow and obey Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we will live forever with Him. That is very special!
 Enjoy your family relationships. But remember that Jesus is most important. Love Him and serve Him today. —SL

“If we live in the light, we have fellowship with each other, and the blood sacrifice of Jesus, God’s Son, washes away every sin and makes us clean.” 1 John 1:7b
PRAYER: Father, I always want to stay close to Jesus. In His name. Amen.

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