讚美主 (2)

on 2015年2月5日 星期四
讚美主 (2)
聖經閱讀:詩篇95:1-7 現代中譯本|合和本

讚美主 (2)  昨天我們談到了讚美上帝,今天經文閱讀的第1節告訴我們要「向拯救我們的保護者歡呼!」「保護者」是上帝的另一個稱呼,提醒我們祂是全能的。
 想一想上帝為你所成就的一切美好事情,今天就跟祂說話、讚美祂。 -CW*
「我的靈啊,要頌讚上主!上主─我的上帝啊,你多麼偉大!你穿戴著威嚴光榮;你披上亮光作外袍。」 詩篇104:1-2a

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Praise the Lord (2)
Bible Reading: Psalm 95:1-7
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Praise the Lord (2)  Yesterday we talked about praising God. Verse 1 of our Bible Reading tells us to “shout praises to the Rock who saves us.”“Rock” is another name for God that reminds us He is all-powerful.
 God always pays attention to our praises. It does not matter if we use our voices or our hands. It does not matter if we sing or sign well. My father did not sing well. But he really enjoyed singing songs of praise to God. God paid attention to his praise, not his unskilled voice.
 Verse 6 tells us another way we can praise God. “Come, let us bow down and worship him! Let us kneel before the Lord who made us.” We should be humble when we worship and praise God. Verse 7 reminds us that we are God’s people and that He takes care of us. That is the reason to give Him our praise.
 Think about all the wonderful things God has done for you. Talk to God and praise Him today. —CW*
“My soul, praise the Lord! Lord my God, you are very great! You are clothed with glory and honor. You wear light like a robe.” Psalm 104:1-2a
PRAYER: Lord, You are so great! I want to praise You with all my heart and soul today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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