特別喜愛的經節 (1)

on 2015年2月6日 星期五
特別喜愛的經節 (1)
聖經閱讀:羅馬書12:1-2 現代中譯本|合和本

特別喜愛的經節 (1)  今天和接下來的幾天,我要跟你分享一些特別喜愛的經節,也要分享從這些經節中學到的東西,以及在跟隨耶穌時,我如何將它們應用到自己的生活中。
 請將這些經節應用到你的生活中,將你的生命完全獻給上帝。跟從祂,並信靠上帝和祂為你準備的計劃。 -CPE*
「惟有我知道我為你們安排的計劃:我計劃的不是災難,而是繁榮;我要使你們有光明的前程。」 耶利米書29:11

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Favorite Verses (1)
Bible Reading: Romans 12:1-2
Friday, February 6, 2015

Favorite Verses (1)  Today and the next few days, I will share with you some of my favorite Bible verses. I will also share what I have learned from these verses and how I apply them to my own life as I follow Jesus.
 When I read Romans 12:1-2, I am reminded of God’s great mercy. He sent Jesus to die on a cross so that my sins can be forgiven. Because of God’s mercy and sacrifice for me, I am encouraged to be a living sacrifice for Him. Because of what He has done, I am led to worship Him in every area of my life.
 These verses also challenge me to not be like people of this world. Instead, I am learning to let God change me inside. I want to accept what God wants for me and my life. And when I follow Him, I will be able to know what is good and pleasing to Him. His plans are always perfect.
 Apply these verses to your life. Give your life fully to God. Follow Him. Trust God and His plans for you. —CPE*
“This message is from the Lord. ‘I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future.’” Jeremiah 29:11b
PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for Your great mercy. Because of what You’ve done, I give my life to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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