爸爸的靈修文 (1)

on 2015年2月13日 星期五
爸爸的靈修文 (1)
聖經閱讀:傳道書12:13-14 現代中譯本|合和本

爸爸的靈修文 (1)  2011年爸爸去世之後,我發現了一些他所寫的靈修文章,他寫這些靈修文章來跟他服事超過75年的教會裡不同的小組分享。接下來的六天,我要跟你分享這些靈修文章。
 而你呢?今天你是否願意尊崇上帝並順服祂呢? —JK
「趁年輕時歡樂吧!隨心所欲做你喜歡做的事吧!但是要記得,上帝要按照你的行為審判你。」 傳道書11:9b

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Dad’s Devotions (1)
Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
Friday, February 13, 2015

Dad’s Devotions (1)  After my dad died in 2011, I found some devotions he had written. He wrote these devotions to share with different groups at the church where he served for more than 75 years. For the next six days, I will share these devotions for you.
 But today I want to tell you a little about my dad. He was almost 95 years old when he died. Dad was the youngest of 11 children, and his father died when he was only three months old. I don’t remember ever hearing my dad raise his voice or show any anger. He was a quiet, gentle man. The two most important things in Dad’s life were his faith in God and his family.
 Often my dad talked to me about the verses in our Bible Reading for today. “The most important thing a person can do is to respect God and obey his commands” (verse 13b). My dad lived by these words, and he taught me to do the same.
 What about you? Will you respect God and obey Him today? —JK
“Be happy. Do whatever your heart leads you to do. Do whatever you want, but remember that God will judge you for everything you do.” Ecclesiastes 11:9b
PRAYER: Father, You are worthy of my respect and obedience. I love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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