爸爸的靈修文 (6)

on 2015年2月18日 星期三
爸爸的靈修文 (6)
聖經閱讀:詩篇1:1-6 現代中譯本|合和本

爸爸的靈修文 (6)  我女兒的狗喜歡保持暖和,冬天的時候,我女兒使用了一台小暖氣機,那狗就喜歡坐在那台暖氣機的旁邊。偶而牠會離開暖氣機,但不久之後會再回來,待在靠近暖氣機的地方。
 我鼓勵你今天找時間研讀上帝的話語,在祂的愛裡成長並親近祂! —GM
「上主關懷義人所走的路;邪惡的人卻走向滅亡!」 詩篇1:6

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Dad's Devotions (6)
Bible Reading: Psalm 1:1-6
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Dad's Devotions (6)  My daughter's dog loves to keep warm. During the winter, my daughter uses a small space heater. The dog loves to sit on the floor next to the heater. Sometimes she will move away from the heater. But soon she will come back and stay close to the heater. The dog knows that is the warmest place to be!
 As Christians, we should want to stay close to God. When we are close to Him, we have more strength. God's strength helps us to stay away from sin and to do His work. If we move away from God, we become spiritually weak.
 How can we stay close to God? Psalm 1 tells us that we should “love the Lord's teachings and think about them day and night” (verse 2). If we do that, we will be like a tree that grows by a river. We will grow stronger in our relationship with God.
 I encourage you to find time to read and study God's Word today. Grow in His love and stay close to Him! —GM
“The Lord shows his people how to live, but the wicked have lost their way.” Psalm 1:6
PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, I want to always stay close to You. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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