
on 2015年1月10日 星期六
聖經閱讀:何西阿書3:1-5 現代中譯本|合和本

恩典:何西阿  上帝使用祂的先知何西阿來教導以色列人上帝的愛和恩典。上帝吩咐何西阿娶歌蜜為妻,歌蜜是一個對何西阿不忠的女人。歌蜜後來離開何西阿並跟許多男人有性關係,她甚至將自己賣給另外一個男人!
 這是一個關於恩典、強而有力的功課,這讓我們看見,就算遠離上帝,祂也不會停止愛我們。上帝願意代償罪價並帶我們回轉向祂! -MK
「但是上主還在等待;他等著要施恩給你們。他要憐憫你們,因為上主是公正的上帝。信靠他的人多麼幸福啊!」 以賽亞書30:18

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Grace: Hosea
Bible Reading: Hosea 3:1-5
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Grace: Hosea  God used His prophet Hosea to teach Israel about God’s love and grace. God told Hosea to marry Gomer. Gomer was a woman who was not faithful to Hosea. Gomer left Hosea and had sex with many men. She even sold herself to another man!
 Gomer treated Hosea the same way Israel treated God. Israel stopped worshiping God and worshiped idols instead. But Hosea did not stop loving Gomer, and God did not stop loving His people. God told Hosea to go and buy Gomer back from the man she was with. God told Hosea to do this because it showed the way God would pay the price of our sins and bring us back to Him. God did this by sending Jesus to accept the punishment for our sins.
 This is a powerful lesson for us about grace. It shows us that even if we run away from God, He will not stop loving us. God was willing to pay the price and bring us back to Him! —MK
“So the Lord is waiting to show his mercy to you... he will bless everyone who waits for his help.” Isaiah 30:18
PRAYER: God, thank You for Your love, mercy and grace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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