光 (1)

on 2015年1月4日 星期日
光 (1)
聖經閱讀:約翰福音8:12-20 現代中譯本|合和本

光 (1)  有一次我跟先生去露營,一個晚上我去沖澡,當我進到浴室時,外面天色還有一點亮,但是當我洗完澡時,天就黑了。營地在離浴室不遠的地方,但我不確定是否可以摸黑找到回去的路。
 當受誘惑做錯事時,我們必須禱告求上帝的幫助,而且我們也必須記住,耶穌是會指引我們正確道路的光。 -JK
[耶穌說:]「我是世界的光;跟從我的,會得著生命的光,絕不會在黑暗裏走。」 約翰福音8:12b

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Light (1)
Bible Reading: John 8:12-20
Sunday, January 4, 2015

Light (1)  Once my husband and I went camping. One night I went to take a shower. When I went into the shower house, it was still a little light outside. But when I finished my shower, it was dark. Our campsite was only a short distance from the shower house. But I was not sure I could find my way back in the dark.
 After walking a short distance, I could see a light. It was the campfire my husband had built. By walking toward the light of the fire, I was able to find my way back.
 This reminds me of life. Sometimes I am tempted to do wrong. I feel the darkness of sin around me. But then I remember Jesus. In our Bible Reading, Jesus said that He is the “light of the world” (verse 12b). He shows me through the Bible what I should do.
 When we are tempted to do wrong, we need to pray and ask for God's help. And we need to remember that Jesus is the Light Who will show us the right way.
[Jesus said,] “Whoever follows me will never live in darkness. They will have the light that gives life.” John 8:12b

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